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The legend of Worda is a simple dictionary search. There contains three containers that displays random words according to the specified etymology posted above. There are a couple of 'keywords' that can be searched and they will bring up custom background pics. These words include: link, hero, dog, cat, shield, sword, owl, ocarina, horse, tunic and legend.

The Legend of Worda

This Full-Stack project is a great app to track your daily fitness activities. When the user opens the application, they will be directed to a login page. Once logged in, the user will be able to create a completely customized workout rutines!

Fantastic Fitness

This is a Mern stack app that utilizes socket io and many other technologies to run a functional, responsive chat room application. This chat room app is built for Spotify users who are using Spotify's prime to listen to music. The user is able to chat at the same time he is listening to Spotify music
